We caution people who are in contact with Avery E. Sharpe.
He operates out of Union Grove, North Carolina with his shear sharpening business being listed as Statesville, North Carolina. No physical address could be found for him, however, in Statesville. We talked with a few salon owners there, who say Sharpe just shows up, unannounced, to sharpen shears for them. They never know if or when he’s coming. They’re not sure if they’ve seen him for the last time or not. They have no business card for him. They have no phone number. Sharpe just shows up to start sharpening.
Odd way of doing business.
But our admonishment to be wary around Sharpe stems from the constant string of threats he makes against a shears provider and his demonstrated obsession with that, coupled with the amount of references he’s made about guns. Multiple, numerous references. As well as his numerous references to having been a “50-cal gunner” while in the military. He just seems a little unhinged to us – our opinion. So, a word to the wise. Couple that with his arrest for public masturbation, and you can see why we’d recommend being cautious around this guy (see our write up here: Public Masturbation).